1.Greek Yogurt and Fruit: One cup offers 20g of protein and added fruits give energy-boosting carbs. It helps in the muscle inflammation after exercise.
2.Sweet Potato: A sweet potato gives you 23g of carbs and3.8g of fiber that keeps you full, also providing you immune-boosting Vitamin A that you need in a day.
3.Avocado: They are incredibly high in Potassium, which can help prevent muscle cramping post workout.
4.Nuts: A handful of nuts after a workout provides protein, fiber and healthy fats. Nuts are extremely versatile!
5.Eggs: They are a source of highly bioavailable protein helping to replenish and increase muscle stores after workout.
6.Protein Shake: They usually contain 25-30g of protein per scoop. This is essential to support muscle recovery and growth.
-And make sure to sip on Water to make up for the fluid loss by sweating!
-The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) is 1.2-2.2g of protein per kilogram of bodyweight daily to accelerate muscle growth.